Tomatoes Galore!

August and September:  The Roma and Early Girl tomatoes are flourishing! There are three Roma plants in my garden and two early girls, and two Romas in Rex’s. One of Rex’s plants got so full of tomatoes it toppled over, and we’ve been gathering them from the ground ever since. We collect at least two bowl-fulls every week.

I give them away to Uncle Jess and Aunt Anne, to Grandma and Grandpa, and I make the tomato, mozzarella, and basil salad at least once a week. But it’s that time of year when everyone has had their fill, and they ask for them less. So, now I’m cutting them up and putting bags of tomatoes in the freezer for winter soups. Chilli is right around the corner. 

The cherry tomatoes are just plain neglected right now. They’re still producing, but getting tired, and the boys and I have grown a little tired of collecting them. So, they’ll be great compost for the next season of growing.